Hindus celebrating Ganesh Chathurthi in Vkalathur , Perambalur a village in Stalin Tamil Naidu were set upon by police under the orders of the authorities resulting in Hindu kids and women being beaten up along with the power supplies cut off. The Hindu response as expected where you don’t even need a professional Vedic astrologer [...]
Thungathurthi, Telangana: Christian Hardliner MLA Gadari Kishore sent police to remove Ganesh Pandal and Ganesh Murthi. But Hindus stood their ground and said they would resort to immolation rather than have their Ganesh festival that’s been celebrated for over 30 years. This comes after another incident in Stalin Nadu in Perambalur, yesterday when Hindus trying [...]
Allegedly according to this video, we have been told a Hindu pujari from the famous Arulmigu Thiruthani Murugan in Tamil Stalin Naidu was forced and harassed to do puja to Mary and Jesus as we see here. And this is in a country of a billion Hindus who seem to be doing the Indian vanishing [...]
One fundamentalist Christian pastor who didn’t like the Ganesh Pandal being set up in the local village in Srungavarapukota, Vijayanagaram, Andhra Pradesh objected to 9 days of #VinayakaChavithi celebrations and complained to the police asking them to stop the Hindu festival there. So the police picked up Hindus and took them to the police station [...]
Of course, the ‘limited-value’ victim could have been anyone crossing the pathway facing the police car but Jaahnavi Kandula also happened to be from a Hindu background which means Hindus raising her death are reminded they have ‘zero value’ like a popular Instagram Hindu page called Hindu Samata found out by getting suspended by the [...]
The same police officer who targeted Hindus at a Hindu event at the Prajapati Hall some months back where he dragged an elderly Hindu out of a crowd, pushed him up against the rails then arrested him was back again last night outside the Shivalay Temple during a Ganpati procession which he stopped and attacked [...]
For those of us born in the West, especially Britain hearing ‘Hindu Nationalism’ shouted out every 5 minutes from the media or academia or politicians in reaction to Hindus speaking up against the prejudices against Hindus and Hinduism often takes us back to childhood when being mocked by racists for being a curry eater meaning [...]
Wanker Stalin Floor mats to rub your shoes and feet on outside temples soon to be followed by a toilet paper range. [...]
A group of Hindu Kids take on a Christian missionary trying to convert them but even Jesus his saviour doesn’t turn up to save him from what followed. Christian Convert Missionary On Wheels – “Do you know who will save you from sin and the fires from hell ?” Hindu Kids Yell – ” Our [...]
You always know after the left wing neo racists did their typical Hinduphobic outbursts that it’s not long before the right wing would start their typical Hinduphobic racist rants over PM Rishi Sunak praying at a Hindu temple followed by Hindus having fun celebrating a Hindu festival in UK going up and down on a [...]