Sunday 26th January 2025,
HHR News

All posts by Sarah Louise Gates

Kick Hinduphobia Out of Australia

Kick Hinduphobia Out of Australia

  I write as a concerned Hindu academic in Australia due to a pattern of bullying by the Dean’s Chair in Communication at Massey University School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing. Professor Mohan J Dutta gave a lecture on 25 August denying the existence of Hinduphobia, arguing it is purely a political device to generate [...]

September 4, 2021 Sarah Louise Gates Global Hindus, HHR Videos, Hinduphobia, News updates, World Focus 0

NYT risks Hindu and Sikh minority genocide and Muslim lives under Taliban by inaccurate Indophobic report

NYT risks Hindu and Sikh minority genocide and Muslim lives under Taliban by inaccurate Indophobic report

The New York Times on 17 August 2021, headlined the bizarre claim India’s new asylum ‘law discriminated against Muslims’ by ‘favouring Hindus and Sikhs’ from Afghanistan. NYT’s report however, is far from the truth, and it puts lives, especially those of Afghan Muslims who may be deceived to think they cannot apply for asylum in [...]

August 19, 2021 Sarah Louise Gates News updates 0

Pakistan far right extremists caught out framing a child for blasphemy

Pakistan far right extremists caught out framing a child for blasphemy

Community concern is growing after an eight year old Punjab boy was imprisoned for a week over allegations of blasphemy. Outdated Colonial Era laws written by the British rulers were recrafted by Pakistan to exclude protections to Ahmadis and ‘Islamicise them’. Pakistan has a long standing history of persecuting minorities, including Hindu, Christians, Balochis, Sikhs [...]

August 17, 2021 Sarah Louise Gates Analysis/Insights, Archives, Hinduphobia, News updates, Pakistan, World Focus 0

Kashmir : Terrorist Violence and the War on Life

Kashmir : Terrorist Violence and the War on Life

Today the world faces existential threat from two sides: global conflict and ecological collapse. We are heading into double extinctions, of culture and nature. These twin interlocking violations are centuries long processes with a common history of settler-colonialism, neo-colonialism and industrial capitalism[i]. Settler colonialism is, as Patrick Wolfe (2006) stated, a “logic of elimination”. It [...]

June 28, 2021 Sarah Louise Gates Analysis/Insights, Archives, Articles, Dharmic Ecology, History, Jammu and Kashmir, World Focus 0

Use of the term ‘Hinduphobia’ – 1866-1997

Use of the term ‘Hinduphobia’ – 1866-1997

Hinduphobia is a modern term for a far more ancient practice. Hindu Human Rights have traced historical roots in their articles for religious persecution of Hindus since Islamic and British colonialisms. The experiences of Hindus may have other terms to describe them. This list is an evolving document, set up to clarify the historical context for [...]

February 12, 2020 Sarah Louise Gates Analysis/Insights, Archives, Hinduphobia, News updates, World Focus 0
HHR News