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All posts by Ranbir Singh

Nick Cohen and the Protocols of the Elders of Hinduism

Nick Cohen and the Protocols of the Elders of Hinduism

London, UK- Nick Cohen certainly has Hindus firmly within his sites judging by his latest tirade to appear in The Guardian, entitled The Secret Scandal of Britain’s Caste System. In yet another piece of colonial era propaganda dated from 26 June 2011, Cohen laments as to why the Equality and Human Rights Commission is doing [...]

April 28, 2012 Ranbir Singh Hinduphobia 1

The ‘Secret’ Behind the BBC’s Secret Swami

The ‘Secret’ Behind the BBC’s Secret Swami

In 2004 Hindu Human Rights Group contacted the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation )over its tabloid programme Secret Swami which portrayed India’s venerated Guru Sri Sathya Sai Baba in an ill founded, malicious light. However this elicited no response from BBC and it is interesting to note that the aforementioned documentary by journalist Tanya Datta is [...]

April 28, 2012 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, HHR Activities/Press releases, Hinduphobia, Missionaries, News updates 4

Negationism in Indian History: Its Lessons for the Arab Spring Dystopia

Negationism in Indian History: Its Lessons for the Arab Spring Dystopia

Until his death in 2003, Bhishma Sahni was one of India’s most renowned Hindi language authors and playwrites. His 1974 controversial and popular novel ‘Tamas’ (Darkness) won the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1975 and in 1987 was made into a television series for the national channel Doordarshan. Sahni wrote about the exodus of Hindus and [...]

April 27, 2012 Ranbir Singh World Focus 1

Hindu Seva or Christian Charity? Lessons for the US and the World

Hindu Seva or Christian Charity? Lessons for the US and the World

In 1993 Christopher Hitchens exposed the myth of Mother Teresa as a caring old woman helping India ’s poor with Christian charity. Yet the myth persists that her disease infested incarceration centres are in the forefront of Christianity’s civilising mission in Hindu-majority India . [...]

April 27, 2012 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights 0

De-Monotheising the Human Mind the Hindu Way

De-Monotheising the Human Mind the Hindu Way

Almost a thousand years of cultural onslaught have left Hindus apologetic about their beliefs. They are keen to mould them into the framework dominated by a monotheistic mindset which holds sway even when it is mutated into terms such as rational, scientific and even atheist. Such is the power of monotheism that it infects even [...]

April 26, 2012 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights 8

The Hindu Rate of Fascism

The Hindu Rate of Fascism

Whenever Hindus try and speak out on any issue they are constantly lambasted as fascist, fundamentalist and pro-caste. This is a speciality of the unholy axis between Christian hatecore groups and Marxists in their joint strategy for blaming all India ’s problems on Hinduism. While to many it would seem strange how hardcore atheists would [...]

February 14, 2012 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives 1

Ram Gidoomal: Behind the Mask of Respectability

Ram Gidoomal: Behind the Mask of Respectability

"My mixed and rich background – born into a Hindu family, raised in the practice and traditions of Sikhism, educated in a Muslim school and now a Christian, a follower of my Sanatana Satguru, the Lord Jesus Christ – means that I can now approach issues without the hang-ups of many of my western contemporaries, [...]

February 4, 2012 Ranbir Singh Missionaries 0

When Hindus were blamed for mad cow disease (CJD)

When Hindus were blamed for mad cow disease (CJD)

In September 2005, the medical journal Lancet reported that the origins of BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) or Mad Cow Disease, which led through the food chain to being variant CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) in humans, had its origins in the funerary practices of Hindus in India. [...]

January 5, 2012 Ranbir Singh World Focus 0

Arab Spring Rolls Into Fundamentalism

Arab Spring Rolls Into Fundamentalism

Independence to India did not change the political system in one important respect. Much colonial legislation remains intact. Most notorious is the Police Act of 1864 which was designed to quell dissent by unruly subjects rather than provide a public service. In fact the very idea of public ‘service’ is an anachronism in India where the ‘steel [...]

December 18, 2011 Ranbir Singh World Focus 0

2012 : End of the World or Beginning of a New One?

2012 : End of the World or Beginning of a New One?

Apocalypse is big business. There is nothing like a disaster film to get the cinema ticket sales increased and it does not even need to be in 3D. Disease, war, carnage, anything that makes our pleasant surroundings fall apart seems to get us addicted. It is as if we are not just confronting our worst [...]

December 11, 2011 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Articles 0
HHR News