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All posts by Ranbir Singh

Cambridge University : The Neo Racist Academia of the Mental Slave Trade

Cambridge University : The Neo Racist Academia of the Mental Slave Trade

This may be the twenty-first century but demagogues like Gopal are essential if Cambridge University needs to continue with its revamped colonial mission to the uncivilised Hindu savage. Although she looks like the victim group, in mind she is the epitome of colonial racism. [...]

June 28, 2020 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, Hinduphobia, News updates, World Focus 0

Should We Knock Down the Statue of ‘Racist’ Karl Marx?

Should We Knock Down the Statue of ‘Racist’ Karl Marx?

The recent protests over American police brutality against blacks have reached around the world. This has also resulted in the toppling of statues with historical figures associated with slavery and racism, notably Confederate monuments in America. [...]

June 21, 2020 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, History, World Focus 0

HistoriKal Klu-less aryan AmeriKa

HistoriKal Klu-less aryan AmeriKa

The rebel yell was a battle cry used by Confederate soldiers during the American Civil War, when charging to intimidate the enemy and boost their own morale. The South had seceded in order to protect its ‘peculiar institution’ of slavery which was increasingly under siege by powerful abolitionist forces. [...]

June 4, 2020 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, Articles, History, World Focus 0

Pakistan : America’s Favourite Nazi-esque Terrorist

Pakistan : America’s Favourite Nazi-esque Terrorist

Hence this state was built up with American financial and military aid. Relations with the war hawks only soured when it became too obvious that Pakistan was sabotaging attempts at stopping Islamic terrorism. Yet even with this support among western nations for Pakistan’s position of Kashmir remains. It is one of the few areas which [...]

February 14, 2020 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, India, World Focus 0

Modi Meets the Kissinger of Death

Modi Meets the Kissinger of Death

Despite the constant fake news about India being under the rule of a ‘right-wing extremist’, ‘fascist’, ‘Hindu nationalist’ Narendra Modi and his BJP, India continues to make foreign policy blunders which hardly fit even this negative image. If they were anything close, then the constant attacks would cease or at least be drowned out. [...]

October 28, 2019 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, India, News updates, Spirituality/Culture, World Focus 0

Is Corbyn’s Labour Party the New Far Right?

Is Corbyn’s Labour Party the New Far Right?

Jeremy Corbyn has become notorious for demanding that India’s prime minister be banned from Britain, for his role the violence that engulfed Modi’s home state of Gujarat in 2002 when he was its chief minister. The violence began on the morning of 27 February 2002, in which 59 people died in a fire inside the Sabarmati [...]

September 23, 2019 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, News updates, World Focus 0

Voices of Dissent Vs The Deep Hate State

Voices of Dissent Vs The Deep Hate State

In this era of supposedly free news and information we find that certain ‘dissident’ voices are ostracised and placed beyond the pale. Hence we have the case of Julian Assange. He is not alone in facing the wrath of those who would rather that the public be kept in ignorance. Then there is Tulsi Gabbard, Despite running [...]

May 21, 2019 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, World Focus 0

The Conservative Party’s Hinduphobic Problem

The Conservative Party’s Hinduphobic Problem

The Conservative Party has put forward Shaun Bailey as its candidate for London mayor in 2020. Shaun Bailey seems very keen to gloss over this rather unpleasant aspect of the apparently shared Christian values which he believes blacks and white enjoy, but are threatened by Hindus and Muslims. [...]

October 7, 2018 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

Labour’s Aryan Brotherhood

Labour’s Aryan Brotherhood

The recent furore over the Labour Party’s links to openly anti-Semitic, racist, terrorist and Holocaust deniers is in many respects only the tip of the iceberg. While this is rightly condemned there has been no mention of the anti-Hindu nature of the present leadership which begins at the very top. Any attempt to raise this [...]

September 2, 2018 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, World Focus 0

Civilising the ‘Hindoo’ Savage : Part 4 – White Savior Selfie Complex

Civilising the ‘Hindoo’ Savage : Part 4 – White Savior Selfie Complex

when it comes to India, that white messiah complex is not just dominant, but the prevailing narrative. Just like the missionary David Livingstone who spoke of coming from a superior race to uplift heathen Africa with the Bible, this White Man’s Burden is the only allowed narrative with regards to Hindus. While the racist Hamitic [...]

August 2, 2018 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, World Focus 0
HHR News