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All posts by Ranbir Singh

Britain cannot simply Ignore these Anti-Hindu Extremists

Britain cannot simply Ignore these Anti-Hindu Extremists

The election of Narendra Modi as the choice for millions in the world’s largest democracy is a bit galling to those whose concept of ‘democratic’ resembles Lenin’s armed force against the elected government of Alexander Kerensky in revolutionary Russia. Yet even before Modi’s election in what proved to be a pivotal moment in Indian democracy [...]

May 18, 2014 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, World Focus 1

The West’s Grooming of Radical Islam : Part 2

The West’s Grooming of Radical Islam : Part 2

The creation of Pakistan was to have devastating long-term consequences for world security. But the first people to suffer would be the Bengali-speaking majority in that state. In this the very western democracies who had fought Nazism and conducted the Nuremberg Trials would not just be complicit in the ensuing genocide but actively support it. [...]

May 2, 2014 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights 2

Is Britain’s Identity Crisis due to ignoring its Pagan roots ?

Is Britain’s Identity Crisis due to ignoring its Pagan roots ?

‘Pagan renaissance is overdue. It is necessary for Europe to heal its psyche.Under Christianity, Europe learned to reject its ancestors, its past, which cannot be good for its future also. Europe became sick because it tore apart from its own heritage, it had to deny its very roots. If Europe is to be healed spiritually, [...]

April 29, 2014 Ranbir Singh Archives, Indigenous/Pagan Voice 3

The Liberal Neo-Colonial Mindset

The Liberal Neo-Colonial Mindset

Whenever the Indian elections are underway the western media is even more panicked than usual about the impending doom faced by the world’s largest democracy as it falls into the abyss of Hindu fascism, fundamentalism, nationalism, and other assorted ‘reactionary’ forces. The parrot-fashion use of such worn-out phrases and the lazy reliance on the chattering [...]

April 22, 2014 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

The West’s Grooming of Radical Islam : Part 1

The West’s Grooming of Radical Islam : Part 1

When the Indian elections  were looming back in 2014 the western media was full of hysteria and paranoia reminiscent out of some science fiction novel depicting a dystopian future where human civilisation has all but collapsed. Led by the anti-Hindu rag known as the Guardian, we were repeatedly fed a constant feed of dire warnings [...]

April 16, 2014 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives 2

Ex-Slave Masters Return as Anti-Slave Campaigners in India

Ex-Slave Masters Return as Anti-Slave Campaigners in India

Three of the world‘s top religious leaders – Pope Francis of the Vatican, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Grand Imam of Al Azhar Dr Mahmoud Azab have joined hands in the biggest ever push to eradicate modern day slavery and human trafficking in India by 2020. On the surface this may look laudable. But [...]

March 24, 2014 Ranbir Singh Archives, India, News updates 0

The Gunga-Din Within

The Gunga-Din Within

Gunga Din is a character from a classic Rudyard Kipling poem, and was adapted into a film of the same name in 1939. In that production, Gunda Din is a simple water bearer who sacrifices his life in order to save the white British soldiers from rebel forces of the Thugee. The film is now [...]

February 22, 2014 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, Articles, Hinduphobia, News updates 2

Freedom of Speech or Freedom to abuse Freedom ?

Freedom of Speech or Freedom to abuse Freedom ?

The recent withdrawal from Penguin Publishing of ‘The Hindus’ by veteran anti-Hindu academic and rabble rouser Wendy Doniger has brought out the usual useful idiots who clamour for freedom of speech. What these ardent democrat so conveniently forget is that it is demagogues like Doniger who have used their positions of influence to crush that [...]

February 11, 2014 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives 2

The Siamese Twins of Atheism and Christianity

The Siamese Twins of Atheism and Christianity

While atheism and Christianity may seem at polar opposites in mainstream discourse, the reality is that they are actually singing from the same hymn sheet when it comes to Hindus. The denigration of Hindu civilisation and culture to which the western world owes so much is enacted with the standard neocolonialist and racist mindset which [...]

January 18, 2014 Ranbir Singh Atheist Irrationalism 1

The West and India : Never the twain shall meet ?

The West and India : Never the twain shall meet ?

Since the attacks of 9/11 we have been told that there is a war on terror. But India was suffering such terrorism long before this yet the rest of the world averted its gaze. In fact it is a sad indictment of the self-appointed leaders of the Free World, Britain and America, that they would [...]

January 9, 2014 Ranbir Singh Archives, World Focus 2
HHR News