On Sunday 16 December 2012 a 23-year old was gang-raped and brutally beaten with an iron rod for about 45 minutes on a Delhi bus. The crime was so animalistic that NDTV news channel has reported that the woman has had to undergo surgery for two hours to have almost her entire intestines removed. The [...]
December 19, 2012
Ranbir Singh
On 4 December 2012 six year old Vijanti Meghwar was brutally raped in Ghulam Nabi Shah village, district Taluka Pithoro Umerkot, in the Sindh province of Pakistan. Vijanti belongs to the Meghwar community of the country’s minority Hindu population. She was found unconscious and lying in the street. Such a heinous crime was made easier [...]
December 11, 2012
Ranbir Singh
News updates, Pakistan
In February 2002 the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) along with other international broadcast networks reported on the outbreak of communal violence in Godhra, in the Indian state of Gujarat. From the BBC report one would have got the impression that Hindus were not even victims of the violence. Instead Hindus were blamed for the violence [...]
December 7, 2012
Ranbir Singh
Hinduphobia, World Focus
In forming our opinions it is essential to have access to accurate information. In many respects the internet has broken down traditional barriers of communication. Valid criticism is levelled that this makes it difficult to authenticate facts. Nevertheless the well-worn methods of research and scholarship need not be compromised. Indeed they can be enhanced as [...]
November 24, 2012
Ranbir Singh
Analysis/Insights, Hinduphobia
Meghnad Desai on his new book ‘Who Wrote the Bhagwad Gita?‘ “I wrote the book as a secular inquiry into the Gita because in a sense, I could never make head or tail of it and then I stopped trying. About two or three years ago, I was asked to deliver the Goswami lecture in [...]
October 7, 2012
Ranbir Singh
Analysis/Insights, Hinduphobia
As far back as 1940 that foremost of Indian revolutionary freedom fighters, Veer Savarkar, 'warned that Assam was being turned into a Muslim-majority region by deliberate design'. By 2008, the number of Bangladeshi infiltrators in India was estimated forty to fifty million.Was Veer Savarkar right ? [...]
July 30, 2012
Ranbir Singh
Analysis/Insights, India
Hindu Humans Rights Exposure on influential Christian Solidarity Worldwide and its sinister agenda Against Hindus and India which could lead to civil war. [...]
‘In recent years European religious and political leaders along with leading academics have emphasised on returning to Europe’s ‘Christian’ Identity but history tells a different story that actually Europe’s historical Identity and roots has more in common with Hinduism’ : On 11 April 2011 Ex-Pope Benedict XVI accused anyone who denied Europe ‘s Christian roots [...]
Alone of all the major world religions, Hinduism is defined by those who not only do not share the faith but who are in fact implacably hostile to it. Wendy Doniger of Chicago University is but one example. Globally renowned as an ‘authority’ on Hindu religion her writings betray overt hostility and hatred of Hinduism [...]
April 29, 2012
Ranbir Singh
Kancha Ilaiah is professor and head of the department of political science at Osmania University , Hyderabad . He is perhaps best known for writing Why I am not a Hindu in 2007. Anyone approaching this work with the prior knowledge of Bertrand Russell (Why I am not a Christian) and Ibn Warraq (Why I [...]
April 28, 2012
Ranbir Singh