When we can raise our voice for 1000 Muslims killed in Gujarat, we must cry from the rooftops for 2.4 million Hindus killed in 1971 or the 250,000 Kashmiri Pandits forced out of their homes in Kashmir. Why do we not? Why were the guilty not brought to book? A crime like genocide usually involves [...]
May 9, 2012
Sen. Edward Kennedy The Bangladesh genocide of 1971 was basically directed at 3 sets of people: The Awami League was one target, along with leftist students, and then came the main target, the Hindus. they mostly got who they were targeting, especially the Hindu community of Bangladesh. The Pakistani strategy is evident from the following [...]
An early spring morning in Stoke-on-Trent sees Keshubhai, an elderly Asian gentleman, on his knees scrubbing the shutters of his shop. Keshubhai is clearly distressed – both by the unwelcome early morning exercise of scrubbing clean his shop shutters and also by the fact he is running late in opening up his shop. The early [...]
January 4, 2012