Dear Sir Starmer, Hindu Human Rights Group (HHR) was set up to highlight persecution, oppression, and discrimination against Hindus worldwide. HHR was formed in the UK, and it is sadly in this country that we find Hinduphobia now going mainstream. It is commendable indeed that you have condemned the antisemitism which has saturated the Labour [...]
The Guardian. Britain's leading newspaper, both online and in print. The mouth of liberal opinion. But that of course depends on who you are. For years HHR has been trying to dialogue with this behemoth with regards to its blatant one sided articles which promote Hinduphobia and inflame community tension. The result? The Guardian refused [...]
The recent acquittal of Asia Bibi after a decade on death row was initially a cause of celebration, indeed relief. Accused under the draconian and much abused Blasphemy Law of Pakistan, [...]
On 19 January 2016 I had the enormous privilege of being invited to speak at the prestigious London School of Economics on the twenty-sixth anniversary of a very sad, poignant event. On that day in 1990 almost the entire Kashmiri Hindu community of indigenous Pandits were ordered out of the Kashmir Valley at gunpoint by [...]
On Monday 8 December Hindu Human Rights Group participated in the book launch sponsored by Andrew Stephenson, MP for Pendle, at the House of Commons. The event was organised by Wilson Chowdhry of the British Pakistani Christian Association and genocide expert Dr Desmond Fernandes. The book launch was for The Education System in Pakistan: Discrimination [...]
HHR join London protest to highlight persecution of minorities in Pakistan [...]
The event aims to build on the similarities amongst all faiths today, and work together to encourage empowerment in today’s society. The afternoon will feature leading professionals, along with well-known theatre actors all with the common aim of developing ones self through stories from different faiths. Date and time: Sunday 23rd November 2014 2.00pm – [...]
On 27 August 2014, Hindu Human Rights was invited to participate in the three-day workshop entitled “Religion and Human Rights Compatibility, Conflict and Resolution”, at the Al-Mahdi Institute in Birmingham. Established in 1993 as a center for higher learning in Islam, the Al-Mahdi Institute contributes to Muslim religious scholarship and learning, with particular emphasis on [...]
HHR were part of the protest in London to express our solidarity with the Êzidî (Yezidi) minority facing genocide against the ISIS jihadis, and also the terror unleashed on Kurds, Shias, Christians, Assyrians, Turcoman, and others in Iraq by this unfolding tragedy. HHR was formed to highlight persecution of Hindus worldwide and as such has always defended the rights of other groups facing [...]
Hindu Human Rights is proud to support and participate in the demonstration at Downing st, London on Wednesday 13 August 2014 at 6pm. Organised by Solidarity Against ISIS, the event will highlight the genocide being committed against Yezidi, Kurdish, Christian, Assyrian, as well as Sunni and Shia Arab communities by an organisation which is determined [...]