Thursday 13th March 2025, 10:14:52 pm
HHR News

HHR Activities/Press releases

ASOS online clothing company removes offending garment on Shiva

ASOS online clothing company removes offending garment on Shiva

Hindu Human Rights received many complaints about the use of sacred imagery by ASOS. As is usual in these circumstances the retail outlet decided to use the sanctity of one faith in a manner it would never do for certain other belief systems. This is an unfortunate hangover of a bygone era when colonial mentality [...]

July 22, 2013 HHR HHR Activities/Press releases, News updates 0

HHR Letter to British Museum over racially offensive and culturally insensitive exhibition on Hinduism

HHR Letter to British Museum over racially offensive and culturally insensitive exhibition on Hinduism

To the British Museum, The British Museum is treasure trove and educational centre of international repute. Daily, visitors stream into its environs to marvel at relics, some dating back millennia. Without a doubt the reputation which the institution has is justly deserved. After all, there are few such places where one could find such a [...]

July 18, 2013 HHR HHR Activities/Press releases 0

HHR Update: Debate at British Parliament on Pakistan’s Minorities

HHR Update:  Debate at British Parliament on Pakistan’s Minorities

On Tuesday 5 March Hindu Human Rights participated in the discussion in the House of Commons, organised by Wilson Chowdhry of the British Pakistani Christian Association, and chaired by Andrew Stephenson, MP for Pemble. Also present was Desmond Fernandes, genocide expert and one of the main authors of the report, which was submitted that day [...]

March 9, 2013 HHR HHR Activities/Press releases 0

HHR Press Release : Marathon Hindu Solidarity Protests on 16/09/12

HHR Press Release : Marathon Hindu Solidarity Protests on 16/09/12

On 16 September 2012 HHR will join with other Hindus and Hindu organisations in what will prove to be a marathon series of protests and prayers across London. Not one but five are planned one after another to highlight issues that should be of concern to Hindus worldwide.We request all Hindus to attend. [...]

August 30, 2012 HHR HHR Activities/Press releases 1

Kali Ma Beer and the Oregon Klu Klux Klan

Kali Ma Beer and the Oregon Klu Klux Klan

American culture has once again demonstrated its crass ignorance towards non-Christian cultures, especially that of Hindus. The Burnside Brewing Company is based in Portland, capital of Oregon state. On 15 May this commercial alcohol selling outfit is due to release its new brand of beer named ‘Kali-Ma’, named after the Hindu deity of the same [...]

May 11, 2012 HHR HHR Activities/Press releases 0

HHR Letter to Kali Ma Beer Makers

HHR Letter to Kali Ma Beer Makers

HHR regrets that once again American culture has demonstrated its crass ignorance towards non-Christian cultures, especially that of Hindus. We have learnt that on 15 May 2012 your company has plans to release its new brand of beer named ‘Kali-Ma’, [...]

May 11, 2012 HHR HHR Activities/Press releases 1

The ‘Secret’ Behind the BBC’s Secret Swami

The ‘Secret’ Behind the BBC’s Secret Swami

In 2004 Hindu Human Rights Group contacted the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation )over its tabloid programme Secret Swami which portrayed India’s venerated Guru Sri Sathya Sai Baba in an ill founded, malicious light. However this elicited no response from BBC and it is interesting to note that the aforementioned documentary by journalist Tanya Datta is [...]

April 28, 2012 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, HHR Activities/Press releases, Hinduphobia, Missionaries, News updates 4

AGNI-HHR Presentation

AGNI-HHR Presentation

For example in Pakistan we hear of abductions and murders of Hindus, of destruction of mandirs, and Hindus are forced to take on Muslim names in hope to avoid being targeted. Bangladesh is where the largest genocide in the world of the indigenous Hindus is taking place on a wide scale right now… [...]

March 4, 2012 HHR Global Hindus, HHR Activities/Press releases 0

Life Ain’t All Ha Ha Hee Hee for Hindus

Life Ain’t All Ha Ha Hee Hee for Hindus

Hindu Human Rights have recently been flooded with verbal, written and electronic complaints about the portrayal of Hindus, and Hindu women in particular, in the British and Western media. [...]

January 5, 2012 HHR HHR Activities/Press releases, Hinduphobia 0

An Evening with The Hindu Human Rights Group, UK ( 2004 )

An Evening with The Hindu Human Rights Group, UK ( 2004 )

Among various interviews we have done over the years but this one gives a background to the HHR group and how it started. It also covers the problems most Hindus are facing even now. It was done for The Hindu Renaissance Magazine which unfortunately has now long gone out of publication itself... [...]

May 7, 2004 HHR Archives, Articles, HHR Activities/Press releases 0
HHR News