Wednesday 18th December 2024,
HHR News

Indigenous/Pagan Voice

Hinduism and Paganism : The Christian challenge

Hinduism and Paganism : The Christian challenge

Numerous British and more largely Western neo-Pagans seek contact with Hinduism. They recognize a similarity, both positively and negatively, both in their own religion’s characteristics and in the misfortunes that have befallen it. The extermination in summer 2014 of all the Yezidis (Kurdish Pagans) on whom the Islamic State could lay its hands has reminded [...]

August 27, 2014 Dr Koenraad Elst Analysis/Insights, Indigenous/Pagan Voice 0

Pakistan’s polytheistic Kalash tribe threatened with death by Taliban

Pakistan’s polytheistic Kalash tribe threatened with death by Taliban

The Pakistani Taliban have announced an “armed struggle” against an indigenous tribe and Ismaili Muslims in the picturesque northern Chitral valley, calling on Sunnis to support their cause in a video. The valley was once dominated by moderate Ismailis and is also home to the Kalash, a polytheistic people who claim descent from Alexander the [...]

July 26, 2014 HHR Indigenous/Pagan Voice 0

Video : Europe’s Last Pagans

Video : Europe’s Last Pagans

In ancient times, people of most ethnic groups used to pray like the Mari El pagans (like Hindus) do to this day. These people are so loyal to their gods that their belief survived both the Christian expansion and the ban on all religions during Soviet times. Their ceremonies resemble scenes from Hogwarts [...]

June 25, 2014 HHR HHR Videos, Indigenous/Pagan Voice 0

Pagans Are Really Annoyed That ISIS Took The Name Of Their Goddess

Pagans Are Really Annoyed That ISIS Took The Name Of Their Goddess

The shock ubiquity of the terror group ISIS with its sudden takeover of swathes of Iraq has caused a bit of a branding problem. Isis, the ancient Egyptian goddess of nature and magic, has had her name appropriated for many products and places over the years, before the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant/Syria. [...]

June 22, 2014 HHR Archives, Indigenous/Pagan Voice 0

Is Britain’s Identity Crisis due to ignoring its Pagan roots ?

Is Britain’s Identity Crisis due to ignoring its Pagan roots ?

‘Pagan renaissance is overdue. It is necessary for Europe to heal its psyche.Under Christianity, Europe learned to reject its ancestors, its past, which cannot be good for its future also. Europe became sick because it tore apart from its own heritage, it had to deny its very roots. If Europe is to be healed spiritually, [...]

April 29, 2014 Ranbir Singh Archives, Indigenous/Pagan Voice 3

Pagan temple remains unearthed under Milan Cathedral

Pagan temple remains unearthed under Milan Cathedral

(ANSA) – Milan, January 29 – The remains of a pagan temple believed to have been devoted to the goddess Minerva have been found under the Milan Cathedral. The announcement was made Wednesday during the presentation of other archaeological finds, the remains of the ancient Mediolanum Forum discovered recently under the basement of the building [...]

February 5, 2014 HHR Indigenous/Pagan Voice 0

UK Druids Greet Dawn at Stonehenge on Winter Solstice

UK Druids Greet Dawn at Stonehenge on Winter Solstice

Thousands of pagans and druids gathered at prehistoric Stonehenge at dawn on Saturday to celebrate the winter solstice. Worshippers started arriving at the stone circle in Wiltshire at about 5.30am, and by the time the sun rose at 8.09am, there were 3,500, many dressed in ceremonial robes and masks, with chief druid Arthur Pendragon leading [...]

December 21, 2013 HHR Archives, Indigenous/Pagan Voice 0

Why I’m Thankful for 500 Years of Indigenous Resistance & Why You Should be to

Why I’m Thankful for 500 Years of Indigenous Resistance & Why You Should be to

“There is resistance: in Canada it’s coming from First Nations. But it’s worth remembering that that’s a world-wide phenomenon. Throughout the world, the indigenous populations are in the lead. They are actually taking the lead in trying to protect the earth….It’s pretty ironic that the so-called ‘least advanced’ people are the ones taking the lead [...]

December 12, 2013 HHR Indigenous/Pagan Voice 0

Native American views on Thanksgiving

Native American views on Thanksgiving

This week school children everywhere will be dressing up as Pilgrims and Indians to reenact the first Thanksgiving. They’ll learn that the starving Pilgrims were saved by a group of Indians who generously donated barrels of corn and squash. That these two groups – despite speaking different languages and a long history of violence – [...]

November 28, 2013 HHR Indigenous/Pagan Voice 0

Paganism may be the fastest growing religion in Britain

Paganism may be the fastest growing religion in Britain

A faith with its roots in pre-Christian culture is still attracting converts. Neil Hudson talks to the man behind the country’s oldest Pagan gathering MENTION the word Paganism to most people and it will probably conjure up images of ancient rituals conducted by people in hoods tramping round the mist-filled fields of pre-Roman Britain. The [...]

November 1, 2013 HHR Archives, Indigenous/Pagan Voice 0
HHR News