Wednesday 26th March 2025, 11:15:27 pm
HHR News


Hindu Human Rights Group (HHR) was formed to highlight persecution, oppression and marginalisation of Hindus. To that aim the HHR online magazine publishes articles from various contributors to help enlighten the general viewpoint on Hindu issues. HHR does not necessarily agree with all that is written and not all the articles should be taken as being official HHR viewpoint. The broad spread is part of HHR’s work towards global and cultural understanding between peoples, nations and communities. Above all it is to deepen and provide resources for spirituality above and beyond mere dogmas, religious and secular, which enforce slavish behaviour patterns in making humanity into a dystopian mass of mindless automata. It is for that reason that HHR is determined in its resolve to counter and correct any misinformation spread about it by using the intellectual force with which we as human beings have all been imbibed with. Free enquiry, exploration and gathering of knowledge has always been the best disinfectant to censorship and totalitarianism which anti-human dogmas seek to enforce.


Thanks HHR

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HHR News