Sunday 19th January 2025,
HHR News
Hindu Tomfoolery Continues

As we have been saying for decades our biggest obstacles to raising Hindu issues were not the Hinduphobes as much but the Hindu orgs and temple leaders by 90 per cent as we see with another recent comical incident.

Recently Insight Bradford invited Labour MP Naz Shah a well-known Islamist propagandist to a Hindu event. Their clumsy excuse was to educate her on Hindu concerns during a Vijaya Dashmi like that was going to make any difference but instead gave her positive PR , ‘ Look I’m not anti-Hindu as I even get invited by Hindus to Hindu religious events cause the Hindoos love me but we need to destroy Hindutva fascism ‘! just like she wears ‘western clothes ‘ to fool these lefty useful idiot whites to show shes so liberal, open-minded and wears what she want’s in reaction to what’s taking place in Iran where women are being killed for not wearing hijabs and burkas by Islamists. It’s a strategy used by Islamists to front women to promote their agenda presently.But once they are in power even she would be covered head to toe.

But you have to give them credit though as they know how to use the system while these Hindus have no clue.

If you are going to invite them, then maybe have an exhibition of how her cowardly forefathers converted with a sword to their throats as they handed over their wives, sisters and daughters to the sword holders to sex harems and slave markets to remind her she’s just an arab colonised slave who even real Arabs spit on but then the slave to feel superior carrying a massive inferiority complex then attack Hindus to feel like they are Arabs.

All Hindu leaders in organisations and temples need to do courses in Hinduphobia and then work strategically together across the world, by setting up and funding think tanks , academic institutions and media platforms run by professionals who know what they are talking about.

This should be the number one focus rather than the usual self-appointed Hindu leaders who are useless and clueless but who do more harm to the Hindu cause than good. They don’t understand that the reason Hindus are always under attack and trampled on is because they are seen as weak, cowardly and submissive which goes totally against Hinduism itself.

The good thing though, is that real Hindus called out this total joke in the following X tweets .


More :

The ‘Hindoo’ Colonials

The Hindoo Colonials Part 2 : A Model Minorty’s Self Delusion Of Grandeur

The Hindoo Colonials Part 3: The Scam Exposed

Hindu Parenting Fails Not Because Of Wokeism But To Hindu Parenting

Hindu Orgs That Demand ‘Money, Money, Money Should Be Held Accountable For The Rise Of Hinduphobia

How To Lose The Battle Via Hindu Self Goal ? Just Call The Enemy Left/Liberal

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