Tuesday 21st January 2025,
HHR News
India : One Of the Most Hinduphobic Countries In The World ?

If Hinduphobia activity was a sport then India probably would win with gold medals hands down at the Olympics as far as we are concerned. Most Hinduphobic propaganda to the world comes out of India itself the abode of the billion Hindus so it’s not surprising with Anand Raganathan’s  latest tweet where he mentions,

” Thrashed for scribbling Jai Sri Ram; beaten for wearing a bindi; stopped from chanting Gayatri mantra; assaulted for flaunting a kalawa; circumcised for being a Kafir; whipped for sporting a tilak – this is how teachers treat Hindu children. But the Supreme Court remains silent.”

Even with the rise of Hinduphobia in the West you still see some Hindu schoolkids with tilaks on going to school . Even our group never took any crap from Hinduphobes at schools, universities, or even work but stood our ground even coming out on the streets to hold protests because that is real Hinduism. But It’s remarkable that in a country thousands of miles away with nearly a billion Hindus they are beaten up for writing  Jai Sri Ram; beaten up for wearing a bindi or stopped from chanting the Gayatri mantra and even killed regularly for being Hindu while most Hindus sit right there hiding and never take action .

This has nothing to do with Hindu disunity because of ‘caste’ that these Hindus make excuses around to get out of taking action because even a Hindu from whatever caste never gets the backing of his own caste when under attack.

Nowhere in the world do you see just spineless behavior. Even Jews with small numbers are standing up for themselves under attack right now wherever they are but Hindus with mass numbers hardly ever do anything but worse want Modi to fly down to save them. All this does is then invite even more attacks on Hindus as they are seen as weak. You hear it all the time from Hinduphobes these ‘Hindus are cowards, weak and spineless ‘

No one cares about how intellectual Kshatriya you are when you can’t back it by being a real Kshatriya on the ground.

All this claim they are defending Hinduism is even more confusing because we haven’t found any Hindu text justifying that says look the other way when under attack but says do the total opposite to take action against Adharma which is why this is the same India that in the past bravely resisted Abrahamic supremacy as it destroyed most of the ancient world that became enslaved to a one god and one book while the Hindus remained thanks to the extreme courage of great Hindu warriors among men and women who never stopped fighting to the death to protect Hinduism.  Something missing from present-day Hindus often just cry and rant online.

The only cure is not what the Supreme Court has to say but when are these Hindus ever going to get on the ground and take action like Krishna encourages or Rama sets as an example to do otherwise be ready for the museum because even Modi can’t save you…

Hindu online ranting…

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