These days there is a rebirth old Slavic pagan traditions in Russia and rest of the Slavic countries. The followers of Slavic paganism often build copies of old pagan Idols (Kumir) monuments of wood and stone and then gather for some rituals, fun or anything Slavic Rodnovers do. They usually try to reconstruct the true religion of Russian (Slavic) people that was destroyed by early Russian Christian church 1000 years ago and when authorities very violently converted local pagan population to Christianity.
This Christianization involved killing pagans, burning their idols and transforming their Pagan Gods into Christian saints and subjugating them to Christian God. However not much has changed, as there are still fundamental Christians even nowadays in Russia (and other Slavic countries), just like in Texas, and they don’t like the raising awareness of pagan traditions, so when they see these idols built somewhere in their proximity they get in a very destructive mood. In the next photos you will see one Russian Rodnover site which pagans have built in honor of Slavic gods and then you will see what happened to it later.
Children even use the site as a fun playground
Statues of Veles (Serpent) and some sort of pagan gates probably for ritual porpoise.
Perun, Svarog and Rod represented by three large totems
…and this is what happened to the Slavic idols when local fundamental Christians have found it (with a little help of Chainsaw):