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Shinto in politics & its significance for Hindus

Shinto in politics & its significance for Hindus

Recently we came across this article which talks about the growing assertiveness of Shintoists in Japanese politics which is quiet significant for Hindus though our people don’t realize it and we hope to rectify that here.

Roots of State Shinto

The roots of what is called “state Shinto” go back to the Meiji era (1868-1912) when Japan was forced to open up to trade by Commodore Perry’s gunboat diplomacy. But even before this era, Japanese intellectuals had kept track of events abroad and were very worried about the ever encroaching Western imperialism which finally reached their doors with Perry. One of these intellectuals was the scholar Aizawa Seishisai who was aware of Japan’s horrible experience with Christianity in the 16th and 17th centuries and the continued use of Christianity for subversion/colonization by the mleccha ( Foreign ) powers. In 1825 he penned Shinron (New Theses) where he pointed this out and said that the threat to Japan from the West was not primarily military but the far more insidious poison of Christianity which could be used by the Western powers to seduce the commoners and bring down Japan. He pointed out:

Whenever they seek to take over a country, they employ the same method. By trading with that nation, they learn about its geography and defenses. If these are weak, they dispatch troops to invade the nation; if strong, they propagate Christianity to subvert it from within. Once our people’s hearts and minds are captivated by Christianity, they will greet the barbarian host with open arms, and we would be powerless to stop them…

The barbarians are triumphant everywhere and have begun to disseminate their poisonous doctrines in our Divine Realm. . . . Yet we in the Middle Kingdom remain without an unswerving moral basis of action; our people lack unity and spiritual cohesion, our leaders can dream up nothing better than stop-gap, gloss-it-over measures to tide them over each day’s crises. Our Land of Illustrious Gods has fallen to such depths that we now sit by idly and allow these foreign beasts to lure the common people away from us. Have we lost all sense of shame?

– Aizawa Seishisai, 1825, Shinron (New Theses)

Aizawa’s solution to this problem was the unification of Shinto with the government which he claimed was the norm in Japan’s past but had been subverted by creeds like Buddhism and a long period of historical decline. Henceforth the Emperor would take his rightful place and resume the performance of rituals of national significance for the spiritual succor of the people. By implementing this Japan would see off the threat from Christianity and avoid national destruction.

Later during the Meiji era when the new leaders looked for a unifying ideology they found Shinto & the Emperor to be the two most essential ingredients in holding the country together. For this reason state Shinto was established as advocated by Aizawa with everyone being required to participate in certain ceremonies and rituals of Shinto origin as their civic duty. The Christian missionaries and their Japanese converts of course did not like it but could not do anything as Japan was not colonized.

The Meiji restoration was an astonishing success as Japan went from an isolated backwater to a world power in just 37 years by defeating the Russian empire in 1905.

But 40 years later Japan suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the combined might of the mleccha’s though not before dealing a death blow to the mleccha colonial enterprise in Asia (

McArthur’s Christian Project

With Japan’s total defeat, the Christian vultures began their third major attempt at Christianizing the country (the first in the 16th century & the second during the Meiji era having failed) and for this purpose the alien ideology of secularism was imposed. State Shinto was dismantled and the government was required to show no preference or support for Shinto.

Parallel to this ran McArthur’s project of Christianizing Japan by flooding the country with Bibles and missionaries. McArthur considered Christianity and democracy to be his two greatest “gifts” to Japan and issued a statement expressing his happiness about the Japanese Christian Tetsu Katayama being elected Prime Minister. He claimed that it was a momentous event in history when 3 great nations of Asia had Christians leading them referring to China’s Chiang Kai-shek (a Methodist) & the Philippines.

Unfortunately for the mlecchas their Christianization project failed to take off because the old Shinto spirit was still alive in the defeated Japanese and blocked these missionary efforts. By contrast, similar tactics of McArthur achieved great success in nearby South Korea which is now 30% Christian.

Those interested in American efforts to Christianize post-war Japan may view:

The Allied Occupation of Japan 1945-1952 and Japanese Religions By William P. Woodard

Effects of secularism

The overall project may have failed but American imposed secularism has done considerable damage to Japan and continues to do so. After the war, many routine rituals of everyday community life were declared to be “religious” and thus supposedly against the secular ethos of the constitution. For example the jichinsai ritual is a groundbreaking ceremony paralleled by our own vastu puja. It is performed whenever a new building or other construction opens for use. For an example see:

Under the current constitution imposed by the mleccha’s such rituals are not to be performed in any government buildings or government sponsored projects (not always adhered to). There are many more similar examples and they are paralleled in our own land where in the name of secularism the Saraswati Vandana is prohibited in government schools among other things. Hence, we say that secularism a Trojan horse for the Abrahamics to weaken and destroy pagan societies.

With all this going on, Japanese patriots had to shut up as they suffered total defeat. Any patriot who spoke of reverence for the Emperor or the importance of Shinto rituals for the nation was declared to be a “fascist”, & “militarist” by the Japanese leftists, Christians, and their mleccha backers.

So they wisely backed off and seem to have been waiting for the right time for Japan to reassert itself and that time seems to have arrived.

Shinto is back in politics?

As the article points out there has been a growing influence of Shinto in Japanese politics. Koizumi had attended the Yasukuni shrine frequently to pay respect to the war dead, & Taro Aso has visited various shrines including the Ise shrine to pray when he was the PM.

Recently the current PM Shinzo Abe attended the shikinen sengu ceremony which is the 20 year rebuilding ritual of the Ise jingu (considered the most important Shinto shrine & dedicated to the sun Goddess Amaterasu) along with his wife and other party members. This seems to have created a flutter among the Japanese Christians & the mlecchas as the following shows:

Muneo Bannai, 79, who heads a committee within the National Christian Council in Japan that studies issues related to Yasukuni Shrine, said: “It is an act that violates the principle of separation of religion and politics that is defined in the Constitution. We are taking this matter very seriously.”

Japanese politicians’ personally visiting a shrine is controversial according to this Christian buffoon & his fellow travelers. Abe & other politicians visit to the Ise rebuilding ritual can be viewed here:

The significance of the ritual is described in this video:

But it is perfectly ok for countries like UK to have an established church & for its PM Cameron to declare that the UK is a Christian country ( despite the horrible history of Christian British imperialism that led to death of millions of Hindus & other heathens . It is also apparently okay for the German government to finance churches directly Finally we have the US that bastion of secularism which found nothing wrong in exterminating its Native American population & imposing Christianity on the few surviving natives as advocated by their founding father Jefferson in his “Indian removal plan” . This is the sole superpower where an ex-president spoke of a “crusade” and “God” constantly in leading up to the invasion of Iraq, and where no one can get elected to the president’s office without pandering to the evangelical base and their deranged fantasies.

On the other hand if some Japanese politicians visit a shrine, the few Japanese Christians & their mleccha backers will create an international ruckus about “militarism”. The double standards should be clear to any true Hindu for we experience the same everyday in India.

Based on the Japan Times article and the growing reassertion of Japan, we can expect this trend to continue with Shinto reassuming its past role in Japanese national life. But what does that mean for us?

Significance of a Shinto state for Hindus

Shinto like Sanatana Dharma remains one of the significant natural traditions that have survived the ravages of Abrahamics around the world. As the late doyens of Hindu revival Sita Ram Goel & Ram Swarup used to point out, Hindus ought to be supportive of pagan revival worldwide. The Shinto revival is also much more significant for us on the heels of Japan & India moving closer to each other to counter Chinese imperialism among other factors.

The last time the world saw two major pagan powers co-exist after Christianity & Islam came into being was when the Sassanid empire co-existed with that of Harshavardhana’s empire in Northern India. The Hindus of those days used to trade with Arabia but failed to see the storm that was brewing in the sands of Arabia just like the Sassanids. Harsha failed to send any assistance to the Sassanids being shattered by jihad and soon the Muslims were knocking on our own doors. We have yet to recover from the events that followed. Subsequently when the pagan Mongols arose as a power we were under the heel of the Khilji Muslim tyranny and when Japan became a world power at the turn of the 20th century we were a British colony.

Today after over a millennium, we finally have a chance to reassert ourselves along with the Japanese. We do not know how the future will unfold but if we reestablish a Hindu state and the Japanese reestablish a Shinto state, it will have been over a millennium since the world will have seen two significant pagan powers coexist at the same time in the Old World.

This is the significance of the events that are unfolding today which few supposed Hindu right wingers know or understand in our experience. Instead we have otherwise sensible Hindu authors hankering after mleccha “new atheists” as our “allies” without realizing that these are hostile enemies and are just a secularized version of Abrahamic cults. It is tragic that successors of Vishnugupta and Vishnusharman fail to understand who our true allies and enemies are. Hindus ought to stop being naval gazers and take stock of the events unfolding Eastward and their significance for us.

Many obstacles remain of course, especially for the Hindus a majority of whom are completely delusional or ignorant and pine for nonsense such as “true secularism” instead of the re-establishment of a Hindu rashtra. The Japanese nationalists are in a better position as they do not have too many Muslims & Christians spreading their destructive tentacles as we do in India. But they still remain a nation occupied by the mlecchas and follow a constitution imposed by the mlecchas which they hope to overturn. May the Gods grant victory to both peoples in these endeavors.
Source vajrin

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