Friday 14th March 2025, 10:09:39 am
HHR News


Civilising the ‘Hindoo’ Savage : Part 4 – White Savior Selfie Complex

Civilising the ‘Hindoo’ Savage : Part 4 – White Savior Selfie Complex

when it comes to India, that white messiah complex is not just dominant, but the prevailing narrative. Just like the missionary David Livingstone who spoke of coming from a superior race to uplift heathen Africa with the Bible, this White Man’s Burden is the only allowed narrative with regards to Hindus. While the racist Hamitic [...]

August 2, 2018 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, World Focus 0

How the West Groomed Radical Islam Part 7 : The American Jihad Dream

How the West Groomed Radical Islam Part 7 : The American Jihad Dream

The very idea that western civilisation, and the United States in particular, could have nurtured radical Islam remains absurd in many quarters. Indeed it is America that is seen as the bulwark against jihad. How then could the leader of the free world, the founder of modern democracy, the nation that epitomises freedom, that in [...]

January 3, 2018 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, World Focus 0

Civilising the Hindoo Savage : Part 3

Civilising the Hindoo Savage : Part 3

The Left uses colonial constructs in its seeming 'progressive' and liberationist view of humanity. Therefore Hinduism is evil because of caste system, superstition, and India's poverty. The Right it must be remembered has been the traditional haunt of those who espouse racism, xenophobia, imperial glories, values of Little England, the sanctity of the British Empire, [...]

March 12, 2017 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, News updates 0

Civilising the ‘Hindoo’ Savage : Part Two

Civilising the ‘Hindoo’ Savage : Part Two

In India's case we have William Dalrymple, a complete social misfit in his own native land, so he decided to transplant himself in the same manner which bubonic plague once ravaged Europe by hitching a free ride on fleas infesting rats. Dalrymple has suddenly become the spokesperson on what he calls Hindu 'extremism' when he [...]

October 22, 2016 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives 2

Civilising the ‘Hindoo’ Savage : Part One

Civilising the ‘Hindoo’ Savage : Part One

In fact both Left and Right wings of the western political spectrum end up pushing the same agenda, which is rooted in western imperialism, colonialism, ideas of racial superiority, and attempts to create a utopian New Order out of the unfathomable polytheistic mess that they see around them. Its roots lie in seeing divine intervention [...]

October 11, 2016 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, World Focus 0

Brexit : Why is the EU Collapsing but ‘Hindu’ India Remains Intact?

Brexit : Why is the EU Collapsing but ‘Hindu’ India Remains Intact?

From its independence in 1947 it was predicted by many in the west that India would collapse. The pro-Pakistan policies of UK, France, USA and many others as well as the sympathy shown by them to secessionist movements, most notably in Punjab, Kashmir and Nagaland, the belief that India is heading to civil war due [...]

July 12, 2016 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, World Focus 52

Hinduphobic Contender for UKs New Prime Minister Championships

Hinduphobic Contender for UKs New Prime Minister Championships

Brexit has created a vacuum in the Conservative Party leadership. The resignation of Prime Minister David Cameron after the referendum on EU membership has allowed various members of his party to bid to replace him as leader not just of his own political organisation, but the country. Among these is the Welfare and Pensions Secretary, [...]

July 3, 2016 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

‘ Hinduphobia ‘ The Labour Party’s Other Problem

‘ Hinduphobia ‘ The Labour Party’s Other Problem

Does Britain’s Labour Party have a Hindu Problem? In 2016, Hindu Human Rights exposed the Hinduphobia that was rampant in the Labour Party. Now with the exposure by BBC Panorama about not just apathy but actual complicity within the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn of antisemitism, it is timely that this report is updated with [...]

May 1, 2016 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, World Focus 0

Hindu Human Rights Highlights Plight of Kashmiri Hindus

Hindu Human Rights Highlights Plight of Kashmiri Hindus

 On 19 January 2016 I had the enormous privilege of being invited to speak at the prestigious London School of Economics on the twenty-sixth anniversary of a very sad, poignant event. On that day in 1990 almost the entire Kashmiri Hindu community of indigenous Pandits were ordered out of the Kashmir Valley at gunpoint by [...]

February 1, 2016 Ranbir Singh HHR Activities/Press releases, World Focus 0

Sanskrit Shlokas recited at Nelson Mandela’s memorial service

Sanskrit Shlokas recited at Nelson Mandela’s memorial service

Johannesburg:  Sanskrit Shlokas from the Bhagavad Gita were recited today at a historic memorial service for anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela. More than 85,000 people attended the service at the FNB stadium near Johannesburg and millions more witnessed it across the globe. The Shlokas were recited by Pundit Ashwin Trikamjee, who is the President of the [...]

December 11, 2013 HHR World Focus 0
HHR News