Saturday 07th September 2024,
HHR News


Nehruvian India – Critiqued

Nehruvian India – Critiqued

Constitution Constitution is meant to define a state that protects the nation. It should understand the characteristic features of the nation and define the state in a way the interests of nation are best served. On the contrary our constitution tries to define how the nation should be. Instead of defining a state that protects [...]

January 3, 2015 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

Gandhi was assassinated by a “fundamentalist” Hindu, correct?

Gandhi was assassinated by a “fundamentalist” Hindu, correct?

An excellent interaction between an American 'white' Hindu responding to accusations of Hindu fundamentalism in a very interesting debate. [...]

December 18, 2014 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

India must reconnect to spiritual past: Pranab Mukherjee

India must reconnect to spiritual past: Pranab Mukherjee

Vrindavan: President Pranab Mukherjee on Sunday said as India makes a “transformative change” from being a developing to a developed nation, it must reconnect to its spiritual past. Speaking at the Chandrodaya temple being established by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) here, Mukherjee said India was one of the oldest and culturally rich [...]

November 16, 2014 HHR Archives, India 0

Divine Shakti Slaying the Demons of Monoculture

Divine Shakti Slaying the Demons of Monoculture

The Great Vibration of Eternity, the Evolutionary Force that spins through all creation, the Primordial Power that ripples through all of existence, in every given moment of time, while working secretly in the soul of every aspiring man, is none other than the Great Mother- the Adi Shakti - who fashions the worlds and the [...]

September 25, 2014 Tina Sadhwani Archives, Shakti Unveiled : The Dawn of the Goddess 0

What is our “Religion”? What is ‘Dharma’?

What is our “Religion”? What is ‘Dharma’?

I would like to discuss briefly my ideas on the English terms like religion, faith and culture and Indic terms like dharma, sanatana dharma, vaidika dharma etc. and also touch upon what we should call ourselves. Different cultures have had different experiences which have conditioned them in different ways, and thus the categories they create [...]

September 15, 2014 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

The Free Market Vs The Free Mind of Dharma

The Free Market Vs The Free Mind of Dharma

The Hindu tradition emphasises Dharma and Rta; to live in harmony with cosmic order by being aware of one’s karma. It is ideas like this which the western mind cannot grasp, denouncing it as nebulous and illusory. One of the common criticisms is that Indian spiritual traditions denounce this world as Maya or illusion. But [...]

September 8, 2014 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights 0

The Elevating Spirit of Hindu Music

The Elevating Spirit of Hindu Music

Like the unique Vedanta philosophy, the ancient yet vibrant Sanskrit language, the all-encompassing system of Yoga, Indian music is yet another exercise of the Indian mind in its path of exploration into the mysteries of Nature and of Ultimate Truth. The word Bharata (India) – which is condensed out of the musical expression Bhava, Raga [...]

August 10, 2014 HHR Spirituality/Culture 0

The Way of Dharma

The Way of Dharma

In evolving standards of conduct and shaping values, we have to take into consideration the variety and complexity of human life and nature. The Dharma, at once religious law of action and deepest law of our nature, is not, as in the Western idea, a creed, cult or ideal inspiring an ethical and social rule; [...]

May 12, 2014 HHR Archives, Spirituality/Culture 0

We Need Rule of Dharma not ‘Rule of Law’

We Need Rule of Dharma not ‘Rule of Law’

कालो वा कारणं राज्ञोराजा वा कालकारणं |इति ते संशयो माभूद राजा कालस्य कारणं || म० भा० श० प० This shlok is sutra to understand a basic question i.e. do historical condition create the character of state, or does the character of the state create historical conditions? Time, is not the force that governs human affairs, [...]

April 3, 2014 HHR Analysis/Insights 0

Seeing Hinduism with Clarity

Seeing Hinduism with Clarity

In these last decades, the world has been changing. The phenomenon called “Hindu Awakening” has created a growing favorable interest towards Hinduism not only in India, but at global level. Simultaneously, we have seen that in Western countries there has been a considerable development of the neo-pagan movements and the resurgence of ancient native religions [...]

January 5, 2014 Mataji Parama Karuna Devi Understanding hinduism 0
HHR News