Monday 16th September 2024,
HHR News


Shape Shifting World of Maya

Shape Shifting World of Maya

‘Thus, Maya is not an ignorance, a separation from the totality of the truth, but a transcendental power that is the expression of a divine integral knowledge, where each and every force and form that manifest is united in a totality of truth.If I see a beautiful painting, it is not an illusion that separates [...]

December 14, 2013 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, Hindu Wisdom, News updates 0

Harvard Yoga Scientists Find Proof of Meditation Benefit

Harvard Yoga Scientists Find Proof of Meditation Benefit

Scientists are getting close to proving what yogis have held to be true for centuries — yoga and meditation can ward off stress and disease. John Denninger, a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School, is leading a five-year study on how the ancient practices affect genes and brain activity in the chronically stressed. His latest work [...]

November 25, 2013 HHR Articles, Hinduism and the World of Science 0

Sarva Dharma Sambhava : Unity or Confusion of Religions ?

Sarva Dharma Sambhava : Unity or Confusion of Religions ?

A common tenet of Hinduism is “Sarva Dharma Sambhava, which literally means that all Dharmas (truths) are equal to or harmonious with each other. In recent times this statement has been taken as meaning “all religions are the same” – that all religions are merely different paths to God or the same spiritual goal. Based [...]

August 18, 2013 Vamadev Shastri Analysis/Insights 2

Do We Need a Reform of Hinduism?

Do We Need a Reform of Hinduism?

In these last centuries the world has changed remarkably, and today we are facing even deeper and wider changes than ever – changes we cannot avoid, because human society is becoming increasingly globalized.The history of Vedic tradition teaches us that as human beings, we have the power to participate in this change responsibly, by directing [...]

May 8, 2013 Mataji Parama Karuna Devi Spirituality/Culture 0

The Mechanics of Karma

The Mechanics of Karma

Karma as destiny and retribution The word karma has entered the vocabulary of all the modern languages and has become a household word, but often its meaning is trivialized and distorted due to cultural superimpositions and lack of proper information. It is generally used with the meaning of “destiny”, and sometimes “retribution” or punishment. In [...]

May 4, 2013 Mataji Parama Karuna Devi Understanding hinduism 0

Journey of the Hindu Renaissance

Journey of the Hindu Renaissance

Start of the Hindu Renaissance The nineteenth century witnessed a remarkable and largely unexpected renaissance in Hindu thought, Yoga, Veda and Vedanta that brought back to life and placed in the modern context, the world’s oldest spiritual heritage. An ancient religion that seemed on the verge of extinction was suddenly awake and able to express [...]

May 2, 2013 Vamadev Shastri Analysis/Insights 0

Does the Rig-Veda Mention Reincarnation or not ? : Part 2

Does the Rig-Veda Mention Reincarnation or not ? : Part 2

Pandit Vamadev Shastri shows how western academics and Indologists lack the insight to the deeper meanings behind Vedic Symbolic Language used in the Vedas to come to their conclusions. The Twofold Modern Denigration of the Vedas: Historical and Spiritual The nineteenth era marked a twofold assessment of Vedic culture that arose from western scholars and [...]

April 4, 2013 Vamadev Shastri Analysis/Insights, Archives 2

Does the Rig-Veda Mention Reincarnation or not ? : Part 1

Does the Rig-Veda Mention Reincarnation or not ? : Part 1

Dr Koenraad Elst puts forward his view there is no mention of Reincarnation in the Rig Veda. We will follow this up in part 2 to see if if it is mentioned : No rebirth in the Rg-Veda In my article about Sati, I had written that Sati dates back to the time when the [...]

April 4, 2013 Dr Koenraad Elst Analysis/Insights, Archives 2

The Lord Shiva Temple in the Sea

The Lord Shiva Temple in the Sea

Nishkalank Mahadev Temple in Koliyak, Bhavnagar, Gujarat is full of wonders and awe. This temple is buried inside the sea. On a heavy tide day, all that can be seen are the flag and a pillar. It is beyond ones comprehension that there is a Lord Shiva Temple just under the fierce sea. This temple [...]

March 29, 2013 HHR HHR Videos 1

Kali Takes Us Beyond All Duality

Kali Takes Us Beyond All Duality

The Devi is twofold in her aspect as Saguna or Nirguna, with or without qualities. The Goddess, as Supreme Absolute Brahman, can be expressed with form and attributes in the manifest realm (Saguna) or without form in the unmanifest (Nirguna). Saguna Devi, we could say, is Prakriti or Lakshmi, while Kali is Nirguna Devi.  Since [...]

March 23, 2013 HHR Shakti Unveiled : The Dawn of the Goddess, Spirituality/Culture 0
HHR News