Monday 16th September 2024,
HHR News


Kali as the Yuga Shakti: the Power to Create a New World Age

Kali as the Yuga Shakti: the Power to Create a New World Age

As the great power of time, Kali’s Shakti creates the different Yugas or world ages that humanity passes through during the long cycles of cosmic evolution. Kali is the Goddess of eternity watching over all our temporal changes and facilitating those which promote our inner growth. More specifically, Kali is the Yuga Shakti or the [...]

March 23, 2013 HHR Shakti Unveiled : The Dawn of the Goddess, Spirituality/Culture 0

Hinduism Is A Religion And A Way Of Life – Poojya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda

Hinduism Is A Religion And A Way Of Life – Poojya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda

Of Course Hinduphobes will say there is no such thing as Hinduism as it’s made up so then they can dismantle Hindus into smaller groups and then convert them. But then you have the Hindu experts also make comical claims about how Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life to sound spiritually [...]

March 16, 2013 HHR HHR Videos, Understanding hinduism 2

Video : Hinduism: Religion or Way of Life? Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami Explains

Video : Hinduism: Religion or Way of Life? Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami Explains

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami ,confronting a long-standing misapprehension about our faith,showing us why Hinduism is more than a way of life. [...]

March 15, 2013 HHR Analysis/Insights, HHR Videos 0

Should India be Secular or Hindu?

Should India be Secular or Hindu?

For Hindi Version go to : भारत का स्वरुप कैसा हो? सेकुलर या हिन्दू? “Hinduism, which is the most skeptical and the most believing of all, the most skeptical because it has questioned and experimented the most, the most believing because it has the deepest experience and the most varied and positive spiritual knowledge, that [...]

February 17, 2013 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights 8

Hindu Religious Quotes on Abortion

Hindu Religious Quotes on Abortion

Hindu scriptures and tradition from the earliest times have condemned the practice of abortion, except when the life of the mother is in danger. Hindu scriptures refer to abortion with the terms garbha batta (womb killing) and bhrUNaghna (killing the undeveloped soul or embryo slayer). Hinduism has traditionally taught that a soul is reincarnated and [...]

October 12, 2012 HHR Understanding hinduism 3

Solar Power and the Gayatri Mantra

Solar Power and the Gayatri Mantra

Solar Energy Within and Without The Vedas worship the Sun, Surya, as the source of light for the entire world. But for the Vedic people, light is not a material force but a power of life, love and intelligence. Nor is the Sun a distant entity unrelated to us. It has a presence on Earth [...]

September 27, 2012 Vamadev Shastri Spirituality/Culture 0

Hindu Rituals & Philosophy: What’s the Confusion?

Hindu Rituals & Philosophy: What’s the Confusion?

My mom normally does the daily puja in the house. And when she can’t my sister does it. But last weekend my parents were away and my sister couldn’t do the puja for some reason either, so I said that I’d do it. Well to be honest, she could but I wanted to do the [...]

September 23, 2012 Rudra Spirituality/Culture 0

Ganesh Chaturthi : Origins and Meanings

Ganesh Chaturthi : Origins and Meanings

Ganesh Chaturthi or "Vinayak Chaturthi" is one of the major traditional festivals celebrated by the Hindu community. [...]

September 18, 2012 HHR Spirituality/Culture 2

The Seven Heavens and The Wheel

The Seven Heavens and The Wheel

A man died and went to heaven as a result of his good acts in life. God showed him all the beauties of Heaven. When He had finished, the man said, ‘Oh, Lord, all this is delightful beyond imagination. But is there no greater Heaven than this?’ ‘There is,’ said Vishnu and took the man [...]

September 11, 2012 HHR Hindu Wisdom 0

Krishna !! Please come down and Help Me !!!

Krishna !! Please come down and Help Me !!!

Often we hear this refrain that the state of affairs is so bad at present that we need an Avatar to descend into the cesspool of humanity and uplift it to a new level. We Hindus have developed a habit of justifying our own inactivity by citing the above words of Lord Sri Krishna from [...]

August 17, 2012 HHR Analysis/Insights, Spirituality/Culture, Understanding hinduism 0
HHR News