As Diwali and Halloween fall on the same day, Instagram content Creator soflo_amelia has angered Hindus over a video where the demonic Pennywise the Clown from IT is doing Diwali puja with the Gayatri mantra in the background on Halloween. Hinduism is already portrayed as demonic and satanic by the church so even if this [...]
Some Hindus had sent us a tweet by author Sahana Singh @singhsahana that highlighted a Hindu parenting debate video between Vijaya Viswanathan and Shoba Swamy @ShobhaSwamy6. They wanted to know what we thought about these issues discussed, especially as most of us are born and brought up in the West and never fell into the [...]
When it comes to reporting on India or Israel then one doesn't have to be a Sherlock Holmes with a hat smoking a pipe digging deep to see the evidence, as it's so clear when racist prejudices against Jews and Hindus often resurface in the Western 'propaganda' media like we have seen recently over the [...]
Hinduphobia has many variations from religious and racist hate but most of all often disguised under intellectual camouflage by the academia, media, and political class across the left wing to the right wing. When all it takes is something very basic to trigger the deep-down hidden Hinduphobic racism as we see here displayed in this [...]
If things could not get even funnier then here we come across another white privileged expert Edward Anderson, Assistant Professor (Senior Lecturer) in History @NorthumbriaUni . History/Politics of India & Britain, migration & diasporas. Previously @Cambridge_Uni writing about the dangers in his new book ‘Hindu Nationalism in the Indian Diaspora’. What next ? he will [...]
If Hinduphobia activity was a sport then India probably would win with gold medals hands down at the Olympics as far as we are concerned. Most Hinduphobic propaganda to the world comes out of India itself the abode of the billion Hindus so it’s not surprising with Anand Raganathan’s latest tweet where he mentions, ” [...]
Hindu Murtis -Deities in a Shiva temple in India’s Uttar Pradesh state were smashed a few days ago allegedly by Mohd Akram, Mohd Shahrukh, Mohd Arshad, and Mohd Azam who have now been arrested. They also found them with illegal arms and some Saudi currency. Again the Hindu reaction ‘Where are the secularists? or why [...]
The Prestigious Doon Indian Defence Academy @DoonDefence had a poll a few months ago asking – Doon Indian Defence Academy 3 months ago What led to the end of the Indus Valley Civilization? 1 : Invasion of Aryans ? 2 : Recurrent Floods ? 3 : Earthquakes ? Answer : All the above [...]
We are already aware of the Hinduphobic racist crime record of the left-wing secular church but we also need to call out the right-wing religious churches’ Hinduphobic hate of those heathen pagan Hindus by academics like Audery Trukshe along with right-wing pastors like Joel Webbon who is traumatized that Hindus are living in his neighborhood [...]
Sarah Gates, an expert in traditional yoga and Kashmir Shaivism, describes how yoga's spiritual roots are being overshadowed by its commercialization in the West, the cultural impact of this shift, and the importance of preserving authentic practices. Dive deep into the challenges and solutions for maintaining the integrity of yoga in the modern world [...]