A protest was held against ultra-right-wing religious fascists and their backers by a group of Hindus Against the Holi Against Hindutva Event. Even though we credit CoHNA for arranging the protest with a few Hindus still the same question has to be asked where are these thousands of Hindus in that region as there are [...]
Professor Vamsee’s Video Series Introduces Media Studies to Everyone Hindus who want to effectively fight Hinduphobia should realize that a lot of armchair Hindu activists simply swing between complaining about how the media is lying about Hinduism and then suddenly falling flat for the occasional flattery from the same Hinduphobes that pats Hindus on the [...]
6 sessions on April 16, 6- 7 PM -India Standard Time (IST) guided by @vamseejuluri Professor of Media Studies at the University of SanFrancisco We welcome anyone who is curious and eager to learn. Participants need to have their copy of the book “1984” as a reference, and the ability/interest to read the book. This [...]
A bunch of Indian students from Puducherry University in India the abode of a billion Hindus trying to celebrate their inferiority complex to feel brave did a live show mocking Hindu Gods Ram, Sita and Hanuman. One wimpy fool has even a native American headdress on insulting Native Americans probably hoping Gora Sahib will give [...]
Actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas and her husband, American singer and preacher’s son Nick Jonas, offered prayers at the Ram Janmabhoomi temple in Ayodhya with their two-year-old daughter, Malti Marie, on 20 March 2024 and now is being called a ‘Sanghi’, ‘Hindu Fascist’, ‘Scumbag’ . In the Hinduphobic racist western media and their Indian neo-colonialist sycophant [...]
As part of Sai Deepak’s tour around the US, the “Bharatam” event at UC Berkeley on March 3rd began with a Native American prayer led by Kanyon Sayers of the Indian Canyon Nation who is the youngest Indian council women in California from Indian Canyon nation, Hollister, California. Sayers was called to educate and welcome [...]
If the comedy can’t get worse, now we get another Gungadin Jouno propagandist called Siddhant Adlakha criticising Gungadin Dev Patel for not attacking imaginary Hindtuva- Hindu nationalism enough in his latest movie then goes into a total rant of pushing white racist narratives against Hindus reconstructed in a new mask of lefty/progressive/liberal talking points . [...]
India being the homeland of the largest remaining indigenous people on the planet known as Hindus don’t have to be told what to do or who they want in their country especially why those religious ideologies that led to mass genocides, enslavement, and forced conversions of the indigenous Hindu people to later tear the country [...]
More exposure on Mother Teresa in alleged child trafficking who only got away with her fraud because she went to India knowing the colonialised submissive Indian elite would give her red carpet treatment. Even the BJP turned up at her sainthood at the Vatican with folded hands. Was there a Dark Side to Mother Teresa? [...]
Jaanhavi Ganesh, a student at Rutgers University testified at a Congressional Briefing raising the widespread Hinduphobia on the rise, especially at Rutgers University. Hinduphobia is rooted in extreme racism and religious hate which the US already has a long history in but with all the big talk about anti-racism especially indigenous rights, the KKK suit [...]