Amazon irked social media users in India after it was revealed that it was stocking doormats and other bric-a-brac liveried with sacred figures of the Hindu faith. The online retailer was faced with a supposed boycott by irked Hindus demonstrably rocked by the decision to stock goods profiting from the likeness of Hindu figures. A [...]
June 6, 2016
World Focus
In Chhoti Sadri, Dhola Pani region of Rajasthan, India villagers stripped and beaten up cow smugglers. Two trucks full of cows were illegally going to slaughter house. Four cows died due to suffocation, which made the villagers angry. Angry villagers then torched one truck outside the Gaushala and later striped and beaten the truck driver. [...]
June 1, 2016
Archives, India
East and west aren’t just directions in Girgaum’s Sicka Nagar. They are two vastly different educational concepts that reside in one building here. Right behind The Modern School — whose students troop in to class in a black-white-and-red camouflage of pants and chequered skirts — hides a traditional school, whose 100 students turn up daily [...]
NEW DELHI—A Hindu man was hacked to death in central Bangladesh on Saturday, police said, following a spate of similar attacks in the Muslim-majority South Asian nation. Authorities are investigating whether the killing of Nikhil Joarder was connected to a 2012 complaint against him for alleged comments he made against Prophet Muhammad, said Aslam Khan, [...]
It doesn’t happen often, but here I must totally disagree with David Frawley ( Read : Hindus Need Long Term Political Strategy And Dharmic ). Or should I say: with the Sangh Parivar, for this is the standard argument I have heard from them for more than twenty years. The central refrain is “unity”. This [...]
April 23, 2016
Archives, India
“Judges should not dictate religious practises. Political activists should not be allowed to use temples for political agitation.” – Dr David Frawley Visiting Hindu temples is an amazing experience, an inner journey through history, culture and cosmic dimensions. Each temple is profoundly unique with its own identity. Such temples represent one of the most important [...]
April 23, 2016
Archives, India
A SUGGESTED sermon produced by the Church of England for clerics attempting to tackle the stigma of mental health pulls no punches. Written by the Rev Eva McIntyre on behalf of the Church’s Archbishops’ Council and the Time to Change mental health campaign, it suggests John the Baptist, St Paul, St Francis and other figures [...]
An explosion and blaze sparked by fireworks have killed at least 100 people at a Hindu temple in the Indian state of Kerala, police say. The fireworks, which were to be used to celebrate a local new year festival, exploded about 03:30 (22:15 GMT Saturday), local media say. A building at the temple then collapsed, [...]
So, it turns out that Batman v Superman director Zack Snyder loves Ramayana. Specifically, the 1992 animated Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Ram. In fact, he loves it so deeply, he has been ‘borrowing’ from it as far back as his break out movie 300. Don’t believe us? We don’t blame you. But look what [...]
The recent happenings in NIT Srinagar is the best example of how BJP practices secularism in the veil of Hindu nationalism. The row erupted in NIT, Srinagar when non-kashmiri students hoisted tricolour in response of celebration of India’s defeat against West Indies. When situation turned callous, police were called which had to lathicharge on the [...]