After 1,700 years the first ancient Greek temple opened in Arcadia, Peloponnese over the weekend. Hundreds of people attended the inauguration ceremony of the temple which was built for liturgical purposes and not as a museum. [...]
After 1,700 years the first ancient Greek temple opened in Arcadia, Peloponnese over the weekend. Hundreds of people attended the inauguration ceremony of the temple which was built for liturgical purposes and not as a museum. [...]
Hindutva is a compassionate, empowering, unifying & humanistic worldview. It existentially challenges supremacist religions who thrive on mind control, dictats & the outsourcing of swa-dharma / logic / compassion to an all-conquering god, rather than ones own head & heart >> [...]
Christians in Arunachal Pradesh vandalized Durga Pandal while destroying the Murthi of Goddess Durga [...]
I beg you, all my Hindu Readers, don’t let this happen to your traditions. Your religious practices are gifts the Gods have given you. They are an ancestral inheritance passed down from generation to generation. Do whatever you must to preserve them. Every temple is precious. Every puja holy and sacred. The Gods deserve the [...]
Western colonialism did not die after the end of World War II when the West gave up its colonies. It merely changed to a more subtle form, which may prove more harmful to non-Western cultures in the long run.The expansion of Western culture has continued at an accelerated rate along with the denigration and decline [...]
“The association of St. Valentine with romantic love can in many ways be traced to the poetry of medieval writers, the most notable among them being Geoffrey Chaucer. In his poem ‘The Parliament of Fowles,’ it is on St. Valentine’s Day that the birds choose their mate before the arrival of Spring. … The association [...]
These days there is a rebirth old Slavic pagan traditions in Russia and rest of the Slavic countries. The followers of Slavic paganism often build copies of old pagan Idols (Kumir) monuments of wood and stone and then gather for some rituals, fun or anything Slavic Rodnovers do. They usually try to reconstruct the true [...]
After the world suffered another grim reminder of the merciless Islamist ideology, the Solas Centre for Public Christianity warned instead that the re-emergence of Paganism in Scotland was one of the biggest threats to civilization. On Sunday 15 November 2015 the news media carried extensive commentary to the effect that Islamism, as displayed by Isis [...]
Prof White was a historian of medieval Christianity who conjectured that Christian influence in the Middle Ages was the root cause of the ecological crisis in the 20th century. He gave a lecture on December 26, 1966, called “The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis” at the Washington meeting of the American Association for the Advancement [...]
Both Sita Ram Goel and Vamadeva Shastri (David Frawley) have written a book called How I Became a Hindu. I could never write such a book because I have deliberately made a choice not to identify myself as Hindu. In this article I will explain “why I am not a Hindu”. Leaving Christianity Before starting [...]