Friday 14th March 2025, 07:36:01 pm
HHR News


Hinduism and Paganism : The Christian challenge

Hinduism and Paganism : The Christian challenge

Numerous British and more largely Western neo-Pagans seek contact with Hinduism. They recognize a similarity, both positively and negatively, both in their own religion’s characteristics and in the misfortunes that have befallen it. The extermination in summer 2014 of all the Yezidis (Kurdish Pagans) on whom the Islamic State could lay its hands has reminded [...]

August 27, 2014 Dr Koenraad Elst Analysis/Insights, Indigenous/Pagan Voice 0

Pagans Are Really Annoyed That ISIS Took The Name Of Their Goddess

Pagans Are Really Annoyed That ISIS Took The Name Of Their Goddess

The shock ubiquity of the terror group ISIS with its sudden takeover of swathes of Iraq has caused a bit of a branding problem. Isis, the ancient Egyptian goddess of nature and magic, has had her name appropriated for many products and places over the years, before the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant/Syria. [...]

June 22, 2014 HHR Archives, Indigenous/Pagan Voice 0

Christian Warning : Diwali in White House – Rise of Paganism in America

Christian Warning : Diwali in White House – Rise of Paganism in America

Video showing an Indian Christian Fundamentalist Complaining about the USA turning Pagan under President Obama : A Good comedy [...]

June 18, 2014 HHR HHR Videos 0

The ‘Infamous’ Hindu Hitler Fan Club

The ‘Infamous’ Hindu Hitler Fan Club

Anti-Hindu writers love to portray Hindu revivalism as a form of “fascism”. Given the Hindu movement’s record of service to democracy and abiding by democratic norms, they have a hard time sounding serious. Fortunately for them, they find perfect allies in the rare but vocal Hindus who do applaud Adolf Hitler. [...]

June 10, 2014 Dr Koenraad Elst Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

The Hindu and Pagan Initiative

The Hindu and Pagan Initiative

Dr Elst and Rajesh from HHR discuss the growing  relationship between Hindus and Pagans around the world Also Read : Europe’s True Identity : Christian or really Pagan ? [...]

February 5, 2014 HHR HHR Videos 0

Paganism may be the fastest growing religion in Britain

Paganism may be the fastest growing religion in Britain

A faith with its roots in pre-Christian culture is still attracting converts. Neil Hudson talks to the man behind the country’s oldest Pagan gathering MENTION the word Paganism to most people and it will probably conjure up images of ancient rituals conducted by people in hoods tramping round the mist-filled fields of pre-Roman Britain. The [...]

November 1, 2013 HHR Archives, Indigenous/Pagan Voice 0

The Greeks who worship the ancient gods

The Greeks who worship the ancient gods

The summer solstice, 21 June, is one of the most important dates in the calendar for many followers of ancient religions, and it’s a special time for people in Greece who worship the country’s pre-Christian gods. “I love the energy this place has,” says Exsekias Trivoulides who has pitched his tent on what he considers [...]

June 20, 2013 HHR Indigenous/Pagan Voice 0

Return of the Pagans

Return of the Pagans

Once human beings communed freely with the forces of nature. They felt a spirit in every hill or vale. They saw a Divine face in the Sun and the Moon. They felt a consciousness in the mountains, trees and clouds. They recited poetry, performed rituals, and had  profound meditations on the sacred world order, which [...]

June 3, 2013 Vamadev Shastri Indigenous/Pagan Voice 1

The Druids : Brahmins of Ancient Europe

The Druids : Brahmins of Ancient Europe

The Celtic people spread from their homeland in what is now Germany across Europe in the first millennium bce. Iron tools and weapons rendered them superior to their neighbors. They were also skilled farmers, road builders, traders and inventors of a fast two-wheeled chariot. They declined in the face of Roman, Germanic and Slavic ascendency [...]

May 29, 2013 HHR Indigenous/Pagan Voice 2

Europe’s True Identity : Christian or really Pagan ?

Europe’s True Identity : Christian or really Pagan ?

‘In recent years European religious and political  leaders along with leading academics have emphasised on returning to Europe’s ‘Christian’ Identity but history tells a different story that actually Europe’s historical Identity and roots  has more in common with Hinduism’ : On 11 April 2011  Ex-Pope Benedict XVI accused anyone who denied Europe ‘s Christian roots [...]

May 20, 2012 Ranbir Singh Indigenous/Pagan Voice, News updates, World Focus 10
HHR News