Od svih indo-evropskih naroda, Sloveni su oni koji danas zauzimaju najveću teritoriju, na evro-azijskom kontinentu. Takođe, Sloveni su najmnogoljudnija ento-lingvistička grupa na evropskom kontinentu. Danas ih ima oko 300 miliona. Slovenski narodi se tradicionalno dele na istočno-slovenske (Rusi, Belorusi, Ukrajinci), zapadno-slovenske (Poljaci, Česi, Slovaci, Lužički Srbi, Kašubi) i južno-slovenske (Srbi, Hrvati, Bošnjaci, Slovenci, Makedonci, Bugari). [...]
There have been several news reports, analyses and opinion pieces published in important Western media outlets in the past few months about the ongoing elections in India. The New York Times, The Washington Post, the BBC, Time magazine, The Economist, and National Public Radio are among the news that media that have devoted much attention [...]
When the Hindu community world over was busy in celebrating the Navratras, the Hindu community of Mauritius was aggrieved at another desecration of the Kali Temple. [...]
For once, the secularists have it right. The nationalism by which the Hindutva crowd swears, is a Western invention. Feelings for your home country are universal, and natives of India will need no prodding nor any foreign or native ideology to defend their country when necessary. [...]
September 28, 2017
Dr Koenraad Elst
Analysis/Insights, Archives
A group of pagans has written to the Archbishop of Canterbury demanding two churches to make amends for those it says were stolen 1,300 years ago.
The Odinist Fellowship, which represents 1,000 members of the pagan religion, wrote to the Church of England last month asking for two churches to be returned to make up [...]
Iceland has seen a dramatic increase in the followers of its indigenous pagan movement in recent years, making Odin worshippers the country's fastest-growing religion. [...]
American Natives peacefully protesting against the North Dakota Access Pipeline being built across their sacred land and river were faced with violence from hired security ( representing the pipeline company) who used attack dogs, pepper-spray, horses and trucks to intimidate peaceful groups of men, women and children. Altogether 6 people were bitten by dogs [...]
September 4, 2016
HHR Videos
“I like to think that someone will trace how the deepest thinking of India made its way to Greece and from there to the philosophy of our times.” – John Wheeler (American Quantum Physicist) The western world has long been known to appropriate ancient eastern cultures, worldviews, knowledge systems and ideas, through a process in [...]
From its independence in 1947 it was predicted by many in the west that India would collapse. The pro-Pakistan policies of UK, France, USA and many others as well as the sympathy shown by them to secessionist movements, most notably in Punjab, Kashmir and Nagaland, the belief that India is heading to civil war due [...]
The criminals behind the destruction of a sacred millenia-old temple claimed they were serving god. Members of the Christian sect Jehovah’s Witness reportedly destroyed a sacred Indigenous archaeological heritage site in central eastern Mexico in an act of apparent religious intolerance, claiming the traditional rituals practiced at the ancient ceremonial place were “not Christian,” local media [...]