HUSBAND and wife Katarzyna and Clive Dryden-Chouen have walked free from court after growing vast quantities of cannabis which they claimed they would burn as a spiritual offering to a Hindu god. The couple not only had numerous plants in various states of growth, but kilograms of harvested crop when police raided their Littledean home [...]
January 6, 2014
News updates
Yogeshwar/Shiva, the lord of yogis, is commonly known throughout the world, but the five faced Shiva and associated teachings remains somewhat amystery to students of spirituality. While the teachings regarding the five faces are somewhat expansive, there is a great deal one can learn from the five faces as they contain numerous lessons and fulfill [...]
The United Nation’s International Court of Justice ruled on Monday that Cambodia should have sovereignty over the disputed land around the 900-year-old Preah Vihear Temple bordering Thailand. The ICJ also ruled that Thailand should at once withdraw its troops from the area, BBC reported. “A 1962 verdict by the court declared the temple to be Cambodian, but did [...]
Zee News reported that ‘Rajasthan police have accessed a video clip from the caretaker of H.H. Asaram Bapuji, Shiva’s mobile featuring the controversial godman with a girl.’ (Ref : Zee News) Police, however, denied reports that it is in possession of any CD or video clippings given by H.H. Asaram Bapuji’s aide Shiva. “We have [...]
September 7, 2013
India, News updates
The Eros of the Greek, the Cupid of the Romans is known as Kama Deva in Hinduism. Kama Deva is represented as a handsome, winged young man who wields a bow and arrow.. His lethal weapon of love is a bow made of sugarcane with a string of honeybees and the arrows are adorned with [...]
On the eve of World environment Day on 5th June ‘Mahadev Ganga Mahotsav’ was organised in Delhi for a nationwide support for preservation of rivers and making them less pollutant. A discussion was held at Siri Fort Auditorium on this day regarding “Clean Yamuna for a Clean Ganga” campaign. Panelists from politics and entertainment field [...]
The sexual symbolism of Tantra, like the subject of sexuality in general, has always engaged the human mind. The modern mind seems to be obsessed with it as well. Many people into Tantra, as well as most of the scholars who write on it, seem unable to move beyond the physical suggestions of these symbols [...]
May 12, 2013
Vamadev Shastri
Understanding hinduism
Shivratri – The Great Night of Shiva Shivratri is one of the most popular festivals in the Hindu world, celebrated with devotion and fervour by millions of Hindus each year. In the Hindu view, the Divine Being transcends all human conceptualisation, yet can be approached in many ways. The deities of Hinduism reflect realizations [...]
March 10, 2013
Rajesh Patel
Understanding hinduism
The fruit of self realization is for the one who is centered. A popular Hindu story about Lord Ganesha conveys the truth. Saint Narada once handed over a mango to Shiva and Parvati. He said that it was a special mango which would bestow eternal wisdom on whoever savours it. There was also a hitch [...]
September 20, 2012
Hindu Wisdom