Friday 14th March 2025, 10:09:42 am
HHR News


The Free Market Vs The Free Mind of Dharma

The Free Market Vs The Free Mind of Dharma

The Hindu tradition emphasises Dharma and Rta; to live in harmony with cosmic order by being aware of one’s karma. It is ideas like this which the western mind cannot grasp, denouncing it as nebulous and illusory. One of the common criticisms is that Indian spiritual traditions denounce this world as Maya or illusion. But [...]

September 8, 2014 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights 0

Narendra Modi Finally Found Guilty

Narendra Modi Finally Found Guilty

Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of Gujarat, was already a controversial figure before the BJP nominated him as party candidate for post of prime minister. But ‘controversial’ to whom? And for what? The constant attacks on Modi have actually had the reverse effect of increasing the popularity of what otherwise would have been one of many [...]

September 15, 2013 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights 1
HHR News