A media studies perspective by Professor Vamsee Juluri lays out the facts, theories, lit reviews, possible methods, and the story so far in terms of scholarly research on media Hinduphobia. [...]
A media studies perspective by Professor Vamsee Juluri lays out the facts, theories, lit reviews, possible methods, and the story so far in terms of scholarly research on media Hinduphobia. [...]
A very interesting debate from California with Professor Vamsee Juluri talking about hinduism, Indian politics, history and Tulsi Gabbard with Carlos from The Beer Experience 360 [...]
Hinduphobia is a modern term for a far more ancient practice. Hindu Human Rights have traced historical roots in their articles for religious persecution of Hindus since Islamic and British colonialisms. The experiences of Hindus may have other terms to describe them. This list is an evolving document, set up to clarify the historical context for [...]
There have been several news reports, analyses and opinion pieces published in important Western media outlets in the past few months about the ongoing elections in India. The New York Times, The Washington Post, the BBC, Time magazine, The Economist, and National Public Radio are among the news that media that have devoted much attention [...]
The Western Goebbels-istic Propaganda Machine against India's indigenous Hindu population is at full swing as explained here with content from Professor Vamsee [...]
There is a low-intensity cultural war raging against Hindus in popular culture in India and outside. Vamsee Juluri, Professor of Media Studies at the University of San Francisco, explains the mechanics of this phenomenon. [...]
Day three on our twenty day tour to modern day India turned out to be a three hour drag at Delhi Airport while waiting for a connecting flight. As my son gorged on some western imperialistic junk food from its outpost in the airport lounge, the symbol of 'Developed' India most citizen’s brag about as [...]
when it comes to India, that white messiah complex is not just dominant, but the prevailing narrative. Just like the missionary David Livingstone who spoke of coming from a superior race to uplift heathen Africa with the Bible, this White Man’s Burden is the only allowed narrative with regards to Hindus. While the racist Hamitic [...]
Hindus have been putting up with a lot more fashionable hatred than any other community in the world today. Can you picture a protest against a political figure in today’s tolerant and liberal world which involves a sacred symbol of his religion being used on the backdrop of a Nazi flag? Try picturing it. A [...]
Vamsee Juluri, professor of media studies at the University of San Francisco, speaks up for the anonymous Hindu who, he says, was silent all those years of colonial rule only to be criticized as an ‘oppressor’ post-Independence. His new book ‘Rearming Hinduism’ seeks to restore to the millennia-old faith its intellectual heritage by reintroducing Hinduism [...]