Tuesday 25th March 2025, 06:17:51 am
HHR News

Video : ‘Everyone Was Doing It ‘ Excuses For The Guardian Newspaper’s Own Slave Trade Profiteering

Video : ‘Everyone Was Doing It ‘ Excuses For The Guardian Newspaper’s Own Slave Trade Profiteering

White Middle-class, privately educated, Oxbridge, well-off left-wing types who push a ‘liberal’ agenda would seem to be friends to all minority groups and persecuted peoples. But not with Hindus, where hatred of these backward ‘pagan’ types is as rampant as it did with the Portuguese Inquisition in Goa.

The Guardian refuse constantly to engage with the very Hindu community which they victimise at all times. Now as luck would have it, during the HHR protest a man who looked like their own staff member walked in and took issue with the points HHR was raising; that Guardian was founded on money engineered from slavery, the Guardian backed the Confederacy in the American Civil War, and more up to date it is right now colonial racial and other noxious negative profiling when it comes to Hindus.

His answer was basically so what, everybody was doing slavery, everyone was guilty of racism. Yes but who is doing it now? This was something he was evidently uncomfortable with.

Quickly ushered in by the security who were keen for no engagement with the target group. Again more weight to the fact that this person was an employee of the hatesheet, and not keen to engage with the subhuman types that the Guardian targets for venomous attack.

But by then he had lost all interest, just as his employers the Guardian are always stonewalling when it comes to their racism, Hinduphobia and outdated colonialist ideas which are now staple part of the white leftist and liberal narrative. So self-righteous are they that they will not face either their racist past or their racist present, as if their left-leaning political bias gives them immunity.

The Guardian founded by John Edward Taylor in Manchester who made his fortune from owning cotton mills using cotton produced from black slavery.



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To make the wider public aware that this newspaper spews hate against Hindus, camouflaging it as ‘progress’. The same newspaper which looks down upon the white working-class masses of Britain as ignorant Brexit voting chavs can hardly be expected to show much remorse or objectivity when its own racism and prejudice are exposed.

More  :

Outside The Guardian HQ : The Hub of the Hinduphobic Virus

Hinduphobia Tour : The Independent – A Goebbels Incarnate of Hindubashing Propaganda

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