Ankit Kumar Jha said that he was stabbed multiple times for supporting Nupur Sharma in Sitamarhi, Bihar Victim’s family filed complaint against Bilal, Mohd Nihal, Rabanni (Gora) & Hilal. Meanwhile, Bihar Police said that attack on Ankit is confrontation over smoking.
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A youth was stabbed by a Special Community in #Sitamarhi, Bihar and slogans of ‘Allah Hu Akbar’ were raised as the youth was watching a video of BJP’s former leader #NupurSharma.
“My son was watching the video of #NupurSharma, few people came and asked him what is he is watching; he replied, I’m watching the video of Nupur Sharma. Then, all of them started abusing and beating him. They were Muslims”: Ankit Jha’s father.